Archived News & Results

IC of GB v IC of Germany

By Benson Greatrex ( Match Manager)

We took a strong team of 7 players including IC Captain Jeremy Bates to play Germany in Frankfurt. The IC of Germany managed by their President Alex Kurucz and helped by Secretary, Peter Dinckels and others put on a marvellous weekend for us based at the TC Palmengarten. Surprisingly on the excellent clay courts we were 5-2 up after the singles. In the end after Doubles and Mixed Doubles we won the newly presented Dunlop Trophy 8-5. My thanks go to our team , Lozzie Jelfs, Karen Whishaw , Mark Beim , Jeremy Bates, Paul French and Keith Bland not to mention the IC of Germany.


Mark Beim            beat      Stefan Heckmans   2-6 6-3 10-3

Lizzie Jelfs              beat     Lisa Fritz                     7-5 7-5

Karen Whishaw    lost to   Silke Meier                0-6 0-6

Jeremy Bates         beat     Gerald Marzenell       6-0 6-3

Benson Greatrex lost to   Peter Dinckels          5-7 1-6 

Paul French            beat    Wolfgang Popp           6-3 6-2

Keith Bland             beat    Helmut Rudzinski       6-2 4-6   14-12

Bates/ Beim           lost to   Marzenell/Heckmanns 7-5 5-7 3-10

Jelfs/Whishwa      lost to   Meier/Fritz                      1-6 6-7

Bland /French       beat      Popp/ Alex Kurucz        6-4 6-4


Jelfs/Beim             lost to Meier/Marzenell             2-6 3-6 

Whishaw/Bates    beat     Fritz/Heckmanns             6-2 6-7   10-5

Greatrex /French beat     Dinckels/Rudzinski          2-6 7-5   10-6

Overall Result :   IC of Great Britain won 8-5  

Note: matches at one set all were decided by a 10 point tie-break

